The vinegar
There are no noisy machines or tools in the vinegar factory; there is the fragrance of vinegar, pungent in summer, enveloping in winter.
Time passes slowly. Everything happens as nature planned. Man intervenes following ancient rules. Man lives time, time creates vinegar.
The freshly harvested grapes are pressed to obtain the must to which, by regulation, sulphites or preservatives cannot be added. The must is cooked in large boilers over low heat and each cooking lasts from two to three days. The must is concentrated and with it the aromas and sweetness. This is just the beginning of a long history of patience and work. Fermentation begins and, very slowly, the product is placed in small barrels where it will be stored, and transferred from barrel to barrel every year.
Yes, it's a difficult thing to explain, and also to understand, in a world like ours where everything is in hurry. But the result is a wonderful product, a concentration of flavors and subtle pleasures.
Why do we do this?
Simply because we always have.